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Ways on How To Earn Income While in College/University

Student/Undergraduates in this 21st Century are expected not to depend on their parents for everything they need in school, at the end of this article you will know some ways on how to make some cash for yourself while in college. “Ways of Making Money While In College/University” This sounds somehow as some students will be thinking how is it going to be possible combing studies with any part time job, while some feel they have to give their 100% time to their education yes you are right that your education needs 100% and at the same time you still have to take care of some school challenges like buying your handouts, textbooks, typing your assignments and to even eat daily. At this point you will agree with me that giving 100% to your education is very possible if you explore your 24 hours a day.
Below are some ways to make money while in college.

1. Exploring your 24 hours: Everybody in life has 24 hours in a day be it a student or a working class person but so many people fail to use their time the way they are suppose to, as a student you have so many things to do daily when it comes to your education and at the same time to also do so many other things daily but how to you combine the two such that they don’t conflict. At this point the only thing you have to do is to plan your day by drafting a timetable aligning every single thing you do and assigning time for it and above all discipline yourself to it and stick by it.

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2. Discover yourself: Discovering yourself has to do with your potentials, in every person God has endowed a special feature that brings the person out amongst many. By the time you know that special feature in you it is very easy to make money through that while you are still in college. But don’t be overwhelmed by that always remember to follow the timetable you drafted, that will go a long help you also get time for your studies while you still make your money.

3. What can you do: This has to do with both your discipline in school, there are so many ways in which a student can make money through his/her discipline for example a student studying Electrical Engineering can be going out for some electrical fixing. The same thing is applicable to all field of study a student can also according to his/her discipline and timetable create time for some minor jobs outside.

Having gone through this article it can only be helpful to you when you apply it to your endeavours to work on yourself so as not to be disappointed being that there are so many challenges and you do not have to fold your hands and sit down watching things go abnormal. 



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