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The Relevance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) In Tackling Social Issues In Nigeria

The study investigated the relevance of information and communication technology (ICT) in tackling social issues in Nigeria. Four objectives were formulated to guide the study concept of social issues, information and communication role in tackling social issues, such as unemployment, insecurity, drug abuse, corruption and health care problem were discussed, summary, conclusion and recommendation. 

Information revolution and extraordinary increase in the spread of knowledge has given birth to a new era of knowledge which affects directly economic, social, cultural and political activities of all parts of the world. Governments worldwide have recognized the role that information and communication Technologies plays in socio-economic development. A number of countries especially those in the developed world are putting in place, policies and plans designed to transform their economies into an information, and knowledge economy. Country like United States of America, Canada, an a number of European countries like India, Singapore, South Korea, Japan. Comprehensive ICTS policies and Plans or at an advanced stage of implementing these programmers’ across their development as one area where they can quickly establish global dominance and reap tremendous pay off, items’ of weather creation and generations of high quality employment. On the other hand, South American countries like Brazil and Mexico regard the development and utilization of ICTS within their economy and societies as a key component of their national vision to improve the quality of life, knowledge and international competitiveness. As Faye (2000) has pointed out, ICTS are offering even less developed countries windows of opportunity to leap-frog the industrialization stage and transform economies that can compete with the advanced economies on the global market. Technological innovation has contributed to globalization by supplying infrastructure for trans-word Connections. According to Ajayi (2000)   the revolution taking place in information and communication technology has been the central and driving force for the globalization process. Both developed and less developed countries cannot afford to miss out on the opportunities technologies are creating.

Technologically, ICT has exerted its influence on almost all spheres of human life in this 21st century. ICT has no generally acceptable definition, but various attempts have been made by several authors such as Adeoti (2005) who sees ICT as an umbrella term that includes any communication devices or applications encompassing, radio, television, cellular phones, computers, satellite among others. The computers are connected via telephones facilitate the sharing of the data they house. The data come in many forms such as texts, sounds and pictures. Information technology is the skills, processes and application of designs for representing physical hypothetic or human relationships, created, stored, retrieved, manipulated, protected and presented electronically while information and communication technology ICT refers to the whole range of technologies involved in information processing and electronic communication (Ajagun, 2003).

Frenzel (1996) sees ICT as computer systems, telecommunications, networks and multi-media application while Osatuohien (2008) shares the opinion with Ayoola and Kareem (2012) that ICT is the application of knowledge for the execution of a given task which entails skills and process necessary for carrying out activities in a given context. Thus, ICT has the potential for creating impact in almost all the sectors.

The broadness of ICT covers any product that will store, retrieve manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form e.g. personal computers, digital television, e-mail, robots among others.

Researchers and scholars from different discipline have discussed the relevance of information and communication technology in their various areas of specialization. Information has now become the most strategic resources that is transforming the world economy. In this age, a lot of social issues are in existence which needs urgent attention and ICT has the capability of tackling these social issues.

Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this study were:
1.         To assess the relevance of (ICT) in Nigerian society
2.         To discuss social issues in Nigeria
3.         To examine how ICT could be use to solve each of these social issues
4.         To explain the way forward for a new Nigeria.

Literature Review

Information and Communication Technology according to Butcher is categorized into two groups namely; those which process information such as computer systems and those which disseminate information such as telecommunication system.

Laudon, Trowel and Laudon (1994) opined that ICT include all the different means, methods, tools that human beings have used throughout history to help manage information, conduct business and communicate with others and for better understanding of the world around them. Frenzel (1996) ICT is seen as computer system, telecommunication, networks and multi-media application while Osatuolien (20088) agrees with Olasanmu, Ayoola and Kareem (2012) that ICT is the application of knowledge for the execution of a given task which entails skills and processes necessary for carrying out activities in a given context.

Information and communication technology could also be referred to as technologies that provide access to information through communication. This includes, the internet, wireless network, cell phones and other communication medium (National Bureau of statistic, (2012). Abubakar (2010) believes that information and communication technology has taken a central position in all sphere of human endeavours. Their roles in societal development have been considered pervasive.

From the above definitions, information and communication technology ICT could therefore be regarded as any equipment or interconnected system or sub-system of equipment thawt uses automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange information. This shows that ICT now serves as backbone of societal development in all ramifications and ICT is now applied to all fields of human endeavours (Information Technology National Policy 2001).

Concept of Social Issues

Social issues also known as social problems or social illnesses or even social conflicts refer to issues that influence and are opposed by a considerable number of individuals within a society. That is often the consequences of factors extending beyond individuals, control and local geographical environment. In some cases, a social issue is the source of conflicting opinion on the ground of what is perceived as a morally just personal life or societal order. Different societies have different views about social issues.

Information and Communication Role in Tackling Social Issues

The use of ICT as a tool for managing human daily endeavours and life challenges is no more debatable indeed; there is hardly any sphere of human endeavour in which the influence of ICT is not felt. Information and communication technology (ICT) is used in tackling social issues such as unemployment, insecurity, drug abuse, health care among others. ICT proves to be an indispensable tool. However, the role of ICT in tackling social issues are discussed below:
Tackling unemployment through information and communication technology

The level of youth unemployment in Nigeria is alarming. Many Nigerians youth are unemployed and millions graduates are joining the labour market yearly. One could conclude logically that the immediate past administration did not only mess up the economy, they were also dueless in combacting youth unemployment (National Bureau of Statistic (NBS). Unemployment is at a record of 24% while poverty is at all time 71%. In Nigeria, for instance, unemployment rate is not only worrisome but alarming and shows that government cannot tackle it alone. Since government cannot give jobs to every unemployed youth, exploring vocational opportunities in information and communication technology devices become another option of becoming self-employed. Software development would be able to tackle the problem of unemployment in Nigeria. Studies have shown that the ICT era has created various types of jobs for many unemployed people in Nigeria. Since early 1990s vendors of hand held phones and their accessories are common sight in every community. There are various types of ICT based business such as document processing cyber café, computer training, computer services and repairs, handset services and repair, internet programming, cable and satellite, television installations which require very little take off funds for commencement. They are common vocations to empower youths (Oladunjoye and Audu 2012; Olasanmi, Ayools and Kareem, 2012).

Tackling Insecurity through Information and Communication Technology

Insecurity is a global phenomenon which is present in almost all the countries of the world. Insecurity takes various forms such as kidnapping, violent, crime armed robbering, terrorism among others. Thus in tackling insecurity of whatever form, ICT proves to be an indispensable tool.

In Nigeria, for instance, insecurity threatens the stability of the business environment, disrupt social order and ultimately impact negatively on the prospect of sustainable growth, economic development and competitive engagement of our communities in the global environment. The declaration of principles of the world submit on the information society advocates the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as tools to interalia, promote sustainable development and quality of life among the people. With ICT insecurity can be tackled by establishing a criminal database with existing agency, specific graphical user interface should use by law enforcement agencies. With ICT, the law enforcement agencies can locate criminal callers within the cellular networks. Through ICT, surveillance cameras, social network analysis, biometric surveillance data mining and profiling, corporate surveillance, satellite imagery radio-frequency identification and geo-location devices can be used to mount surveillance on suspected target. Most importantly countries like Nigeria without appropriate laws for national cyber-security information need to act such laws. Kennedy, 2014. Thus, looking at the above benefit of ICT, is not only relevance but indispensable if, security is to be tackled in Nigeria.

Tackling Drug Abuse through information and communication   

Information and communication technology ICT, has played a useful role in tackling drug abuse, mostly through creating awareness on the potential dangers of consuming such drugs. During the last decade, there was a sharp change in the social, cultural, legal and political context of drug addiction which has led to unprecedented new challenges. It has been documented that an increasing number of unregulated websites were dedicated to the dissemination of novel herbal designer and pharmaceutical psychoactive drugs (Foman, Marlowe and McLellan, 2006; John, Baldacchino, 2005 and center on addiction and subsistence abuse (CASA) (2008). These drugs are advertised as ‘legal’ ‘pure’ making them more attractive to abusers mainly teenage groups, drug abuse is generally accepted by many of our youths as a lifestyle rather than being considered as a misuse of drugs (Corrazza, 2011). Thus, in this era where youth spent a considerable time on the internet, they are vulnerable to such information. In this respect a variety of internet-based programmes that aim at educating and preventing drug abuse among young people becomes necessary. Indeed, it could be said that when it comes to tackling drug abuse, the ICT becomes an indispensable tool if reasonable result is to be achieved.

Tackling health care through information and communication technology

Health care is one of the social issues mostly in developing countries of the world of which Nigeria is included. ICT has the potential of tackling this social issue. Health care facilities have been largely benefited by the environment of (ICT). Owing to ICT, the whole world has become a small global village with regards to medical and health care. Further, even within a particular state or country, data could easily be transmitted from one place to another within no time at all. Thus, ICT helps doctors, the general public and all other medical care giver to store and easily retrieved medical data. Pharmaceutical industry enjoy the biggest benefits of ICT. All the medical data available help in assessing the medicine requirements, make them aware of similar research carried out in different parts of the world. In a nutshell, ICT has contributed to a large extent in improving the quality of health care as a whole all over the world. ICT has made e-health positive, this is the concept in which doctors get better access to patient information even if they live states apart. They also get a faster access to medical records, case studies and helps in better communication between doctors and pharmaceutists (international and classification, 2015). Indeed, looking at the numerous benefits of ICT to the health sector, its relevance in tackling the healthcare system is unquestionable.

Tackling corruption through information and communication technology
Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain, is common recognized and amply documented to be one of the most fundamental and most vexing societal problems around. Corruption has been documented to stunt development, stymie our collective response to climate change, blunt our ability to construct fair societies. ICT has a great potential to act as a democratic medium to fight corruption as evidenced by its current use for e-government, several factors have encourage – the trend. These include the growing interest in the potential of e-government and open data to improve government and spur growth and innovation, and ICTS capability to address specific principle agents, problems and domestic. Other disruptive technologies outside pressure from citizens have also increased ICT usage (Haidy and Oliver 2014).

ICT is now widely used in e-government, its appeal lies in the enormous potential to improve public service delivery, increase transparency and accountability in government agencies and raise the level of participation available to the citizens in the governance process.


Humans are faced with various challenges which make life difficult. These challenges which can be referred to as social issues are present in any given society though it may not necessarily be at the same level. These social issues include: unemployment, insecurity, corruption, drug abuse among others. To properly tackle these issues, information and communication bring about this. In terms of unemployment opportunities for teeming unemployed population mostly youth ICT is capable of tackling it.

The impact of ICT is also felt on the health sector as it facilitates easy and safe storage and retrieval of medical records of patients. This process will facilitate quick service delivery, through e-government.

ICT holds the potentials of reducing corruption in government parastatals. Indeed, concerning the relevance of ICT in tackling the various social issues discussed, it is pertinent to state that ICT is indeed an indispensable tool if Nigeria yearn to overcome or reduce its numerous social issues.


The relevance of ICT in tackling social issues is overwhelming and glaring. ICT has really impacted positively on various aspects of our lives. There is hardly any human endeavour in which ICT has not penetrated into and improved it. In terms of social ills plaguing our society, ICT has proved to be a relevant tool in tackling such social issues which include unemployment, corruption drug abuse, insecurity among others etc. Developed countries of the world like the United States of America, the United Kingdom has relieved on ICT to tackle social issues confronting their society and the results have been commendable. However, developing countries like Nigeria are still being faced with numerous social issues which have affected the quality and standard of living of its citizenry. Thus, however, is a wake-up call to developing countries and other developed  countries yet to wholely embrace ICT holds a promising result in that aspect. Nigeria, plagued with numerous social problems should invest in ICT as it is a panacea to tackling social issues effectively.

1.         Information and communication technology ICT should be used by the government of Nigeria in combating insecurity.
2.         In tackling the increasing rate of unemployment in Nigeria, the government should utilize ICT infrastructures.
3.         The health sector should also utilize information and communication technology ICT to improve the quality of its services in Nigeria.
4.         The Nigerian government should adopt e-government as this will help to reduce corruption.
5.         The Nigerian educational sector should be provided with information and communication technology ICT infrastructures to enable it compete favourably with its counterparts in developed countries.
6.         The Nigerian government should utilize ICT infrastructures mostly the social media like facebook, twitter, whatsApp, etc in educating youth on the danger of drug abuse.

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