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Poverty is responsible for many evils happening in our world today. Poverty is an essence of everything that makes man happy another absurd thing about poverty is that it can be graded into levels of poor! Poorer!! Poorest!!!. This means that the steeper the grade the more the destruction, emanating from the grade. The conditions poor poorer poorest is mentioned in the bible in relation to people without estimation worth. This addresses both the Christ and non –Christians. The word of God conclusively state that a poor man is hated by his neighbor. This means that poverty attracts hatred like a magnet attracts iron. Some people suffer rejection as a result of poor circumstances of their lives, The poor is hated even of his own neighbor but the rich have many friends (Proverbs 14:2). All the brethren of the poor to hate him how much more do his friends go far from him. He pursues them with words yet they are wanting to him (Prov. 19:7) even in the cased of an intelligent poor man who has struggled a lot to be well educated, there is only one thing he has to shows for is certificate such people are not immune from poverty in their life’s he said wisdom is better that strength now the bible says when a soul is born in the kingdom there is joy in heaven is celebrating you right now you are a child of Go all things are yours now through Christ our Lord if you pray that prayer the bible says know weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isaiah ) Jesus Christ can destroy any evil formed against you. If you will only humble yourself follow him till the end of the earth he shall make you the head and not the tail, no one on earth even Satan himself cannot oppose you, He lost you now, because you confess at the mention of the name of Jesus Christ every knee shall bow even Satan himself bow for you. Go to a living church of God read your bible and hear the word of God faith comes by hearing the words of God, your sins are forgiven now you are bowing in the Lord you shall be bless God swear by his name he shall bless his children you are a child of God be ready to be bless by God for is only him who can bless and his blessing’s shall add no sorrow forever and ever.


Nations of the entire world seek nation’s, tribes communities the entire world you must seek the face of God in prayer for a prayer less nation or person, Churches, Communities, families a powerless nation, family, powerless family powerless community, if you don’t pray witchcraft will be in charge ever every nation, family, tribes, even churches and by so doing he will be powerful to destroy and delay our riches don’t give him chance to take over any position of any kind in your nation, churches, families even in your communities and in your life the bible says he came to still to kill and to destroy also the bible says forth’s reason a son of God was made manifest that he might destroy the works of Satan, when Jesus Christ was here on earth all he went about is doing good, healing those who are in bondage of sickness and death. In the wilderness he fasted after them temptation came which he overcame. How did he succeed in doing all this because of his prayerful life. Live by the example of Christ life, he is a prayerful man know wonder he was able to overcame Satan and all his temptations and demons. The power to cast out demons comes through a live of fasting. If you don’t believe while here on earth. Pray you will surely be powerless, God didn’t create man powerless he created us in his prayerful image makes him a concatioiuse God and that how he sees me and you because we has his likeness inside of us, sit up enough is enough, know more sleep Satan is taken pleasure in you for the fact that you don’t pray, you cannot break through if you don’t pray, God don’t like a powerless child of God, why? Because he is a powerful God and if you are not powerful like him he takes you like a child without a father is only a bastard that does not have a father, I mean God so if you must be referred as a child of God sit up and be prayerful so that you will be powerful so as when you are called a son of God the will indeed se the resabler of God inside of you, that the only thing the devil is afraid of is a powerful child of God many hindrances you face today is as a result of prayerlessness on your side, you can change this things that troubles you if only you can be prayerful you must take a decision today to be a prayerful child of God, it the beginning that’s whom you are.


A lazy person will no doubt be poor, people must aim high and work hard to achieve the desires of their heart. A lazy person will never witness the manifestation of God promises in their life if you are lazy poverty will descend upon you suddenly with its destructive powers. (proverbs 6:6-11, Proverbs 20:13:2, proverbs 22:13, Proverbs 22:16).


Some Christians says that “drinking” is not sin, provided you do not drink yourself to stupor”. Drunkenness will put you to the cage of poverty says the “Lord”. The same goes for over eating and glutting for the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty” (Proverbs 22:21) “When you eat and drink too much you committee all manner of sin you will hardly pray or see when danger is on the corner”.  Only to satisfy your stomach can lead you globally.

Accepting Jesus Christ into your life in other to be free from the original foundations of disobedience that brought the anger of God to curse men. When God forgives you of the Adam & Eve sin you shall surely be free from poverty and curse. Poverty is a reproach to any nation or tribes, communities, families. for this reason we seek for help from the God who make heaven and earth is his and the fullness thereof, he is the begging and the Alpha and the Omega, he was a final say in one’s life when he says yes no one can say No. Confess Jesus Christ as your Lord today. Christ is the all and all at the mention of the name Jesus Christ every knee shall bow poverty shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord to the glory of God the father if you can only believe in your life (Amos 3:3) without your agreement with the Lord Jesus Christ he can do nothing you must first of all be in agreement that Jesus Christ can save your life from poverty to riches from death to life. Jesus Christ can make you is Excellency here earth his royalty his king and priest here on earth only if you will believe. (Proverbs 14:34) says righteousness exalts the nation, a community, even a family, try Jesus Christ today in what you ate passing through surely I say unto you, you shall be made whole tell him this moment “Lord Jesus come into my life be my Lord and personal savior from today I know I’m not worthy of you a sinner like me, forgive me today of all my sins write my name into the book of life cancel my name from the book of hell I’m your child I want to make heaven give me the grace to be called a child of God from today I repent from my sins wash me in your precious blood you shared on the cross of Calvary for my sins this I ask through Christ our Lord Amen”, you are now a new creation old things have passed away and behold all things are made new never the less the poor man’s wisdom is despised and words are not heard” (Eccl. 19:16) to compound the problem poverty is constant source of temptation. Poverty is responsible for untimely death some could not take care of their children with men they hardly know for financial gains. This is pathetic the solution is freedom from the spirit of poverty. A poor man will swear even when he is lying through his teeth. Poverty causes people to compromise their position and faith, it can cause mental illness and other related disease like depression, and many have committed suicide as a result of poverty. Some have turned not suggest that poverty is responsible for all social vices and fraudulent practices. A poor man is oppressed, rejected abused and lice by men. A ma is valued only when he has gotten riches, poverty destroys great men and women with great talents, visions and dreams.

Poverty does not originate from God. God made the world for man with everything man would need, man was suppose to be the custodian of everything in the world and this involves all the riches man lost all these because of disobedience to the words of God instructions, poverty originated from Satan who because he deceived man to disobey God, Adam and Eve for this reason the anger of God candle upon them and he pronounces curses and said “Out of the sweat of the grow shall thou eat” upon man, man compromised with the devil to disobey God and create who made us in his glorious and powerful image and likeness, poverty does not come from God, every good gift and every perfect gifts is from above, from the father of lights in whom there is no variableness neither shadow of truing. Poverty originated from Satan, the only deceive who was casted out from heaven empty handed the earth become hard for the inhabitant for mankind. Every evil comes from the devil because he came to kill, steal and destroy, the children of God and to put them in all sort of bondage (John 10:10). Glory be to God Jesus Christ our Lord and savior has already put him out of business. If you give your life to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ “today” he came to recover all that was lost from men right from the origin (John 1:12) “says” to them that receives him gave him power to become sons of God including the riches of this world, you shall receive from him your possessions because he has all the power in his hands.

Into stealing womanizing lazy even at work many has lost their jobs because of laziness and Gluttony, is a strong hold, many marriages are broken because of Gluttony, and drunkenness in the beginning it was not so the enemy has done it (devil) the only thing that can save you is to get rid of it though prayer and fasting the spirit of God reveals it to be a stronghold which will smite in your commitment’s in God’s vine yard prayerfully, If not you will be totally lost I mean doom, may this not be your portion a word is enough for the wise. When you work hard and not given to drunkenness or glutton you will be in control of your body and you will achieve more good works that will help your family and the entire society even in the entire world at large. The entire world is looking out for your manifestation say! To yourself “I Must manifest”.
If you must manifest shun laziness and don’t drink too much and the god f riches will trust you and bless you abundantly, (Read Proverbs 31:1-7).


We are influence by the people we associate with some of these influences are positive while other are negative. Anybody who keep bad company will definitely be involve in what they do. Association with evil people will bring poverty to your door step evil association corrupts. He that tilled his land shall have plenty of bread but he that follows after vain person shall have poverty enough (Proverbs 28:10). 
Any unholy practices will only create a step for your down fall. The bible says the wicked shall heap for the righteous to possess. REMEMBER the evil men do lives after them thirdly, you may not live long to enjoy your wicked labour one man was caught inside his vehicle with a head of an old man between 75-80 years, inside the boot of his car he has being making a lot money true ritual killing the end of his story was, the police shot him instantly without mercy the money he made at last did not enjoy it because of evil association he at last confess that they are many before the police men shot him. His family is suffering in poverty now because of evil association don’t live tour life like this must you have bad friends in other to make it in life? I said wisdom, evil communication corrupts disassociate yourself with those kidnappers, 419, Cultism, harlotring, robbery, bombers, gambling act when you follow the wicked think of your end thereof, do not labour in vein. Make right choice today at the end you shall be celebrated (Proverbs 10:25) when the whirlwind passes by the wicked is no more, but the righteous has an everlasting foundation (Proverbs 10:28). The hope of the righteous will be gladness but the expectation of the wicked will perish. The word of God changes lives and must surely come to pass.

Gambling: Gambling is the act of playing games or cards for money or putting money or a property on state fro gain or interest which result may be gain or loss. Gambling may be practices in many different ways some forms appears to be quite innocent, and sometimes a percentage of the profits claimed to be used for a causes God’s word however indicates that gambling in any form is contrary to the will of God for a Christian is an unholy practice reframe yourself from it, in saying avoid it out rightly, in the sweat of they face shall thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground, for out of its was thou taken, for dust thou return (Gen. 3:19) Judging from moral, social and spiritual principles gambling cannot be right. First gambling or betting puts faith in chance rather than in the care and provision of God second, one who gambles seeks to profit from another loss. This borders righteousness and stealing, third, gambling, promotes a greedy spirit it emphasizes getting rather giving, selfish interest rather self sacrifice and erodes the moral fiber of society. The bible indicates that there are three ways by which to profit materially first by working, “If any would not work neither should he eat” (II Thes. 3:10) Second by legitimate investment as in (Luke 19:12-27) third gift or inheritance for the bible says” children ought not to lay up for the parents but the parents for the children (II Cor. 12:14). The moral degeneration of our time Is making many evils to appear natural to man. The appeal of gambling is somewhat understandable. There is something alluring about getting something for nothing. We realize that and that is where the sin lies, gambling of any kind amount to theft; by permission the coins are rolls and somebody takes in that which belongs to another. The bible says in the sweat of they face shall thou eat bread (Gen. 3:19), it does not say otherwise we have realize that in most petting gambling, no harm is intended, but the principle is the same as in big gambling. The different is only in the amount of money involved. The experience of a gambler is similar to that of the alcoholic. He deludes himself that he is a master of his which is actually out of control; he denies that he has any problem in the face of his family disintegration. He ends up with enormous debts and even steals to cover his losses, the gambler many promises to quit but rarely follows through complete victory. Many of the emotion a problem of the alcoholic and also the same in gambler and the underline causes must be dealt in the spirit of the word of God, if a gambler call upon the name of the Lord Jesus for salvation he shall be saved. (Romans 10:13) bible says what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and loses his own soul (Mark 8:36-37, Eph. 4:28) read and copy that in your mind  soul and spirit mediate on it day in and out gambling has reduce many rich people very poor because you looses even it is your house, car, money for another person even many losses all their money just because of greed and if their if no chance to win you become a poor man, many are begging right now on the streets that shall not be your portion in Jesus mighty name.

This is also one area that reduce a man to nothing poor, and unfulfilled in life. Impatience is the inability to control one’s desires for action and satisfaction, it iw unwillingness to wait for the right time for a third or an action, an attempt of plucking an unripe fruit before it ripens, impatience is inability to bear with other in their weakness or infirmities. It is a high form of indiscipline. (Heb. 2:3, Heb. 12:15-17).
    Lack of patience has characterized our poor generation. This generation is a high neurotic and impatient age, we hurry when there is no reason to be in a hurry. This jet age has produced more problems and less morality than it has given us troublesome nerves.
    Impatience has produced a crop of broken homes children suffer in hunger and starvation because of the poor circumstances of their life this has inflict on people widely and has set the stage for more world wars. A bit of looking back and analysis on our part in regard to impatience may be revealing and helpful. We can ask ourselves, what makes me impatience? The bible says “but strong meat belonged to them that are of full age even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil (Heb. 5:14). It is good for Christians to always show maturity and avoid pettiness in every small thing we should avoid selfishness legalistic and demanding tendencies to be able to make room for the mistake God imperfections in other remembering that God still working on them too. (Psalms 37:1, I Thess. 5:14-15) patience is an admirable quality in life that few people including Christmas seen to posses. According to God’s world’s our lives should be characterized by patience for it is important in developing that mature, stable character which God want to produce in his people. Charity suffers long and is kind charity envies not seek not her own is not easily provoked” (I Cor. 13:4-5). Patience is the ability to absorb srain and to be left undis turbes by obstacles, delays or failures or failures. At times God allows difficulties, inconveniences, trials and even suffering to come our way for specific purpose. They help develop the right attitude for the growth of patience when the Christian sees these trials working to his advantage in achieving beneficial character building resolve the stage in then set for the development of a patient spirit (James 1:1-4) God the Holy Spirit will then be able to produce the fruit of patience in his life (Gal. 5:22-23). If you are tempted to be impatient consider the cost of impatience and realize that is more costly than patience. Think of the following characters and the cost of their impatience and realize that is more costly than patience. Think of the following characters and the cost of their impatience.
1.    Abraham yielding to Sarah counsel to get a son through Haggai his own way. Read (Gen. 16:1-6) the story will be made very clear remember impatience can make a man lose the divine plan of God in his or her life.
2.    Esau’s impatience in gratifying his appetite (Gen. 25:29-34) you can sale your birth right and remain poor just because of impatience.
3.    Jacob’s impatience in finding out necessary facts on Rachael before making her his choice of wife read it (Gen. 29:19-30).
4.    Impatience of the children of Israel to wait for Moses to return from the Mount. (Exodus 32:1-6)
5.    Judas Iscariot was impatience to wait for the promised heavenly inheritance, (Matt. 19:27-30, Cts 1:16-21). At last he loosed everything he became reached and poor his peace was also stolen from him these whole facts made him hang himself, when a man is unable to be in control over wealth, money he becomes worthless in the eyes of natural man. Remember Judas Iscariot is a man that like many and frame he like to be in charge, high positioned and he is that type that can do anything to get there, you as a Christian be careful on the ground you are trampling upon, many grounds are dangerous trade carefully in all your pursuit, learn from the past hero’s, be wise you are in better covenant than them remember our lord Jesus has paid the price for us we can practice patience by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. This prayer will help you to do all these that are written in this magazine open your mouth and pray aloud with me if you want a change in your life righ now if you want Jesus to help you say “O Lord God, I come to you in the name of Jesus I believe that He raised from the dead and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the lord of my life from today I receive by faith remission of sins for my souls and right now in the names of Jesus Christ I receive eternal life into my spirit I am born again”. We welcome you into the kingdom of God by supporting us to reach out to other people and God will bless you mightily in Jesus name, let also look into this subject matter.

    Anger is an emotion, an involuntary reaction to a displeasing situation or even as long as anger is limited to this involuntarily, initial emotion it may be considered a normal reaction it is anger that is when we lose our temper or store it up so that it makes us bitter resentful for hostile it then becomes dangerous this here that the bible call us to account the bible does not forbid displeasure but there must be control (Eph. 4:26).
    The first is control longer and keep it clean of bitterness annoyance or hatred. The second is to check daily on whether we have handled malevolent feelings or have allowed anger to rest on our bosom while we go to bed. There is a latin proverb that says, “He who goes angry to bed has a devil for a bed flows”. Actually there are many things in life which can become prime opportunities for Satan to use individual passing.
    The mistake of a person who goes angry is that he gives a place to the devil to come in between him and the person he is angry with  (Eph. 4:27) Read.

    Who is giving such a place while they go to bed with anger having the devil lying in between and sowing many tares into the wheat garden of the family “while they slept” (Matt. 13:25) Read. Cain the first murderer was an angry person. He had offered a sacrifice to God which was no acceptable and he becomes displeased at the difference God made between his sacrifice and Abel’s sacrifice Cain was very angry and it appeared in his looks and attitude. God took note of his sinful passions and discounts and he tried to put check on his anger by reasoning with him why is thy countenance fallen? But Cain did not reason whether he had a real cause, a Just cause for him to be worth yet he allowed anger to control his heart, which eventually resulted in killing Abel his younger brother to his eternal sorrow (Gen. 4:40, Heb. 11:4), the bible has much to say against anger, it is as in of a graceless heart to be prolong angry, (14:16-17, Prov. 22:24-25, Eccl. 7:9, Jonah 4:4, Matt. 5:22), someone because of anger set a house cost 4 million he has to see become a poor man who begs before he eats. There is a way of escape from the danger of hell fire, the first is receiving salvation by grace those who are saved by grace will be gentle towards others mistake and offences, and such will have the kind of love that covers multitude of other people’s sins (Pro. 10:12, Luke 7:47) the second is to let the word of God permeate your life as you read study and meditate upon it (Col. 16:17, Eph. 4:2, 6-27,37). Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry, for anger resisted in the bosom of tools.
    Anger can reduce man to poverty, anger can make you destroy what you spent your entire life to build. A man burn down in his house he labored to build in his entire life he wasted money and frustrate the grace of God upon his life because of anger to clutch yours life resist is and reject anger the bible says resist the devil and he will flee you have being given the power to resist anger and for he will flea for the word of God is power, the devil cannot stand it.
Drugs addicts are those people that live their life’s continually in talking drugs hard drug like cocaine, opium, heroine, marijuana coke whatever names you could call them, it now a habit they can’t do without this drugs and this drugs done a lot harm to the body, is not friendly or came in human system even the kin those that live by those that live by these drugs are not healthy people they are in danger they can die at any time but still they kept on living on and on by it health wide is not good if you can read through Tobacco the stated on the pack that to baccosmoker’s are reliable to die young is so baffling to all grow up man, no man even the kids are also affected by this drugs go to Europe you will discover more about this infect is fearful habit for any person that inhabits on it. Let’s look at the case of Bob Marley he was killed by drugs by it they poisoned him and today he has become a history, he would have lived longer but he chooses die young a person like fela a great musician of our time, just died like a chicken is a pity wasted generation. I think is time you should watch the kind of life you live the end thereof if you choose a life a fulfilled life you will end in joy, peace and above all good report long life which would be a legacy you live behind for your children even till your 3rd generation is to come shall talk of it, The bible say choose ye this day who thou will serve he goes ahead to say choose life (John 3:16) the bible says for God solve the world that he gave his only begotten son Jesus to die for you and for me if God can do this you can also give your only begotten drug is to devil and work away, it will be a prove to show that you love yourself even as Christ loves us and die on the cross for me and you if not you die by drugs you are a disgrace to God and humanity it would have been better you were not born in this world because your suffering in the world to come will be so painful make concrete decision from today to disengage in the habit of taking days, maybe it’s a generational habit but you can lay aside pride, humble yourself and call upon the name of the Lord there is nothing hard for him he can help you. He help in our weakness, he is always there watching over you. He loves me and you call upon him for your salvation, I am telling you he will answer you say with me Lord Jesus, I know that you die on the cross for my sins and you resurrected on the third day right now you are seated at the right hand of God, I have sin against you and against my body forgive me with your precious blood which you shed on the cross for my sins, for in sin my mother conceive me write my name in the book of life. Thank you lord now I know am born again, Thank you Jesus my Lord. Congratulations, the bible says, when a soul is born in the kingdom there is Joy, heaven rejoice for our sake right now Jesus loves you, now you are a candidate of heaven forward ever, backward never, now renounce the drug, speak to it now and say drug of any type I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. Someone sold all he has for the sake of this drugs today, he is poor he has become a beggar just to eat.
    Man when you say drugs steps to take and overcome poverty run very, far don’t sleep in the same roof with it, it’s very attractive remember also, it has a voice so that it will not call your attention, now you have rebuked it, I know it is an enemy to you, it does not have power over you again.

Healthy food, eat food that is very healthy remember man shall not live by bread alone I mean eat both spiritual and physical foods both will help you grow healthy.

Do not engage with bad friends especially those that were your friends before that rakes drugs bad habit and bad friends goes together look for a very good Christian friend that will help you to go to Church.

Study your bible is one aspect that you need to grow spiritually and in physical health, read a chapter every day, this is one spiritual food you must eat, it will every wound in your physical body and you became spiritually sound you will begin to hear from God. What a sweet life to hear steps from God, be prayerful at all time heave something to do remember an idleness person is the devil’s workshop.
    One day a man I know he is wed it respected in the society was striken naked in the bar this man is a man with wife and children you can imagine the disgrace the entered because of chasing after another man’s wife. It has become a womanizer remember he has being a well respected gentleman now he has become a womanizer that the devil succeed to stigmatize him as a womanizer.

    A learned gentle man I know he is a lawyer was caught in Oxford Supermarket in London he has a gun in his hands after the drugs (Leaved), he denied out rightly not to be involved in such an act a married man with two children. Drugs create more harm than good yet they wouldn’t listen. I saw one man I used to know those days as books saler couldn’t recognize him why? Because he was strike naked on the street mad the only thing I could recognize is his face infact I became provoked in my spirit when they analyze the story still pointing finger at drug’s I said to myself I must do something to stop people from engaging in such life, my brother  and sister do not say I did not tell you do not be filed with drugs rather be filled with the Holy Spirit says the Lord a young man ran to me one day as I came out of my car to enter a bookshop very handsome he said to me mama please am very hungry I don’t have money to buy food I looked at him with pity and I gave him some money the next thing I saw this young man entered a house that is well known zone of drugs dealers every normal person in that town, infact I ignored what I saw and I entered the bookshop when I came out I was about to enter my car I looked towards that direction I saw this same young man with a small bottle drinking something from the bottle I said oh God have mercy on him I drove of many things are happening go to western countries like America, South America etc. you will see crime being committed everyday as a result of drugs women are being raped, prostituting, killing child abuse, wickedness of different types this is not the plan of God over your life the bible says in (Jeremiah 1) before you are formed in your mother womb I ordained you as a leader of tomorrow not as failure, if you engage in drugs you will fail in everything you do infact it may be you are somebody before you will become a no body to your generation is worthless, worthless in the sense that he owns nothing to offer anybody. I’ve heard a case whereby a drug addict murdered somebody just because his under the influence of hard drugs he lost everything he suffered for and he become poor after his release by the grace of God infact escaped from the jail by one or two connecting he made something with your life drugs kills, is killing our youths children tithe, even some of our leaders are also involve you will only end very poor as nobody you die as a loser no one has ever succeed by this means, is a trap from Satan be wise a young man proposed to marry me he live in London he made a lot of money through the drug dealings at lest he did not end well known no wonder he died very young.

    The lord said to me this is the life he choose for himself to die young and as a sinner. I tried my best to make him accept Jesus but to know avail, I pray he confessed his sins to the Lord, the bible says what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world lose his own soul (Romans 10 vs 13), I pray he will make heaven in Jesus name Amen. If you waste things God will never be happy and if you waste your life only you will give account to God concerning yourself then you face the judgment, no drug addict person will go to heaven be warned.

Tithing has power to lift man and also cast you down. If a man refuse to tithe. Many today as that they don’t know this truth has suffered in the hands of many disappointments and lack infact let me say it all closed heaven just because ou heavenly resource the Almighty God you have not recognized, know matter what they planed never worked out as it ought to be they only end up a debtor of which as I speak to you right now some body that own somebody a big sum of money cannot be found in this town because he is also owning thousands of people money which has resulted him to be a fugitive in his land, his life is in misery.
As a woman of God if I must say the truth this man has neglected the truth or maybe he lack the knowledge about tithing or maybe he neglected this truth that lands him in trouble await for those that do not tithe the bible says know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

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