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The study examines the availability of scientific equipment in the laboratory and students academic performance in Chemistry in secondary school in Akwa Ibom State. Two research questions were formulated for the study. A survey research design was adopted. Five out of all the public secondary schools in the study area were selected to constitute a sample of the study A check-list titled Chemistry Laboratory Equipment Evaluation Check-list titled Chemistry Laboratory  Equipment Evaluation  Check-list (CLEEC) was used to collect data on the equipment present in the school’ Chemistry laboratory. Results of SSCE/NECC, for 2008-2012 were also collected for data analysis for the analysis of data, frequency counts, percentages and spearman rank order correlation co-efficient were used. Results reveallow level of facilities and no correlation between availability and adequacy- of equipment and performance In SSCE/NECO examination, it wasrecommended among other recommendations that government should provide a good and high level of scientific equipment to the public secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State for the effective teaching and learning of Chemistry. 

Purpose of the Study   

The purpose of this study is to find out the extent to which none availability of Chemistry laboratory equipment has effect on the performance of students at SSCE Chemistry in selected secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State.

Research Questions 

The following questions were formulated to guide this study:
1.                 To what extent does the school selected for the study have adequate physical structures utilized for Chemistry practical?

2.      How do adequacy of the materials affect the academic performance of students at SSCE for the selected years?

Research Design 

The study employed a survey research design to investigage the equipment situation in secondary schools in AkwaIbom State. The performance of students in Chemistry SSCE/NECO examinations from 2008 – 2012 in these school were also involved.

Population of the Study 

 The study population was 10, 375. This consists of all the senior secondary three (SSS3), students in the public secondary schools in the study area (source: AkwaIbom School Board: 2007-2012).

Sample and Sampling Technique

A stratified random sampling method was used to select five out of the fourteen
 Public Secondary  schoolsin the study area(source: AkwaIbom School Board: 2007-2012).  The schools selected have been graduating SSCE students for not less than five years. This was to ensure that the schools selected were WAEC/NECO recognized.


Based on the findings of this study, it is concluded that availability and the level of adequacy of scientific equipment in the laboratory in learning and teaching of Chemistry improved academic performance amongst secondary school students. In addition, there was no significant correlation between the adequacy of laboratory equipment and academic performance of the students.


The following recommendations are made based on the findings:
Public secondary school in Akwa Ibom State should have available scientific equipment in teaching learning of Chemistry.

School authorities should endeavor to provide a good and standard Chemistry laboratory for the teaching and learning of Chemistry.

Government should provide a good and high level of scientific equipment to the public secondary schools Akwa Ibom State for the effective teaching and learning of Chemistry.

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