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Mathematics is considered the mother of all learning in both arts and sciences. It is essentially in most fields including measurement, fashion, angles, sports, technology, economics etc. This perspective on mathematics has gained more attention with the rapid advancement in information and communication. Mathematics is not just computation but a tool for understanding structures, relationships and patterns to produce solutions for complex real life problems. Mathematics is a necessity that aids people of all ages to be successful in life.

Despite the usefulness of mathematics in daily life, there are factors that adversely affect the pupils’ interest for mathematics in primary schools. Lovell (2003) mentioned that interest is an individual tendency to be attracted towards a certain class or classes of activities. Hurlock (2007) also opined that interest are sources of motivation  which drive people to do what they want to do when there are free options to choose. Interests provide in pupils a strong motivation to learn. When a pupil is interested in an activity, whether it is work or play, he puts more effort to learn it. He would not do so when he is less interested or bored.

Okoro (2011) agreed that teacher competency, methods of teaching, instructional strategies and motivation are among other factors that influence pupils’ interest in mathematics in primary schools. This disappointing condition is evident in the performance of pupils in examinations.

Teachers have to consider the environment and background of the leaner to identity his problems, needs, interests and values. This will guide the teacher to select his objectives and content in teaching mathematics. Azikiwe (1998) noted that the learner will be interested and pay attention in class if learning experiences take care of his needs and problems. To really examine the essential qualities of a competent teacher, we must consider this fundamental questions like: what makes a teacher effective? What are needed competencies a teacher requires in learning process? etc.

Accordingly, some personal and professional competencies of a teacher include the ability to arouse and maintain student interests in the subject. He should be able to motivate students towards achievement and have the ability to help students develop mathematics skills. The teacher should be enthusiastic, flexible, friendly and altruistic. 

The above points reveal numbers of factors that influences teacher’s effectiveness. Pupil’s interests in mathematics depend on the competence of the teacher to understand what would motivate the pupils to learn. The teacher should do all within his powers and knowledge to motivate the child to be interested in what is going on in the class. He should show the need and importance of the lessons and why the child should pay attention and learn. The teacher should also expose the pupils to varieties of learning experiences, and give them the hope to succeed in the end, thus, it would motivate them likewise creating conducive learning atmosphere. He must motivate the pupils’ interest in order to produce the best result.

Moreover, for better result to be achieved in primary school mathematics, the teacher should also organize his instructional methods and strategies. Innovative instructional approaches and techniques should be developed to ensure that pupils become successful learners. It is important for the teacher to adopt instructional methods and strategies to attain higher achievement rates in mathematics. Considering the pupils’ needs and comprehension of higher-order mathematical knowledge, instructional methods provide a systematic process and a framework for analytically planning, developing and adapting mathematics instructions.

Nworgu (2001) observed that teachers apply many methods to make leaner’s learn. However, not all the methods are appropriate in every situation. There may be variations in the ages of the learners, and differences in the nature of the topics to be learnt. When a teacher applies the teaching method appropriate to a given situation, pupils learn better than when he applies the one that is inappropriate. 

In an effort to understand the factors associated with mathematics achievement in primary schools, researchers have focused on many factors influencing the impact of various demographic, social, economical and educational factors on pupils’ mathematics achievement which continue to be of great interest to the educators and researchers. It can be concluded that the nature of the facilities in the school determines the nature of the learning that can take place there. He noted that the nature, condition, adequacy and relevance of school facilities such as classroom equipment, the type of instructional materials, the ventilation of rooms, the lighting and sound effects contribute to affect pupils’ interest towards learning of mathematics. There is no doubt, therefore, that a better quality learning will occur in schools where suitable audio-visual materials, adequate and well-equipped classrooms and mathematical instructional materials are available than in schools where such facilities are either lacking or inadequate.
Pupils’ interest in mathematics influence academic performance of the pupils in mathematics in Nigerian primary schools.

Failure recorded so far in the subject is caused by the pupils’ individual differences. Every child is unique so, no two pupils are the same physically, mentally and intellectually.
It is expected that every teacher should select goals, contents, methods, materials and evaluation strategies that will motivate pupils’ interest in mathematics. 

The main purpose of the study is to examine the factors which influence pupils’ interest for mathematics in primary schools in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. Specifically the study aims at the following objectives:

i.    To examine the relationship between the teacher’s competency in mathematics and pupils’ interest for mathematics in primary schools in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.
ii.    To determine the relationship between the teacher’s instructional methods and pupils’ interest for mathematics in primary schools in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.
iii.    To investigate the relationship between instructional materials and pupils’ interests for mathematics in primary schools in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.
This study is significant in a number of ways. Foremost, it would provide the mathematics teacher’s different techniques for teaching thus pupils’ interest in the subject would be arouses and academic performance of pupils will be effectively improved.

It would also provide insight to pupils on the benefits of learning mathematics because of its importance to both academics and in everyday life.

Further, the result of this study will provide the government, educational planners, and administrators with vital information needed for the teaching and learning of mathematics in primary schools.
This study will survey the factors which influence pupils’ interest for mathematics in primary schools: A case study of Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.
    This study attempts to provide answers to the following questions:
i.    Does teacher’s competency and knowledge of subject matter influence pupils’ interest for mathematics in primary schools?
ii.    Does teaching methods influence pupils’ interest for mathematics in primary schools?
iii.    To what extent do instructional materials affect pupils’ interest for mathematics in primary schools?

Survey: This brief interview or discussion with individuals about a specific concept.
Influence: The capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effect on the actions, behavior, opinions   etc.

Interest: The feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.
Mathematics: This study of topics such as quantity (numbers), structure, space and change.
Instructional Materials: These refer to concrete objects, pictures or man-made models that a teacher can use in the process of presenting a meaningful lesson.

It has been discovered that pupils interest for mathematics in primary schools depend to a large extent on teacher’s competencies. When a teacher has the understanding of his subject matter, teaching and learning of the subject will bring positive results.

Findings have revealed that when a teacher vary his methods of teaching to suit with the given situation, the pupils are bound to have interest for the subject and better achievement is evident.
Instructional materials play important role in the teaching of mathematics. Pupils learn faster when the teachers make use of instructional materials that will arouse their interest.

From the results of the teacher’s responses, the following are some recommendations on measures that could be adopted by the government and teachers to improve upon the interest of primary school pupils in mathematics.

Azikiwe, W. (1998). Strategies for Teaching and Learning. Onitsha: African-FEP Publishers.

Edem, E. E.(2009). Methods and Materials (Unpublished Manuscript).

Hurlock, E. B. (2007). Child Development (6th ed.). Auckland: M Graw-Hill international Book Co.

Johnson R. C. (2004). Child Psychology, Behavior and development New York. John Wiley & sons.

Lovell, K. (2003). Educational Psychology and Children. London: Hodder & Stoughton.

Nworgu, B.G. (2001). Educational Research Basic Issues and Methodology. Ibadan: Wisdom Publishers Limited.

Okoro, C. C. (2011). Basic Concept in Educational Psychology. Blesseth Publishers, Uyo.

Osuagwu, M. D. (2007). Understanding Mathematics for Nigeria. Abuja:  Africana First Publishers Limited.

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