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Brief description:

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation doctoral scholarships in the humanities and social sciences are the only one of its scope and stature in the country. Each year, the Foundation awards up to fifteen scholarships to Canadian and foreign doctoral candidates pursuing research related to one of its four founding themes. Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation scholars are outstanding students who are interested in growing in a multidisciplinary learning environment and in addressing important questions for Canada and the world.

At a glanceThe Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation scholarships provide:

$40,000 per year for three years;
$20,000 per year for three years, as research and travel allowance;
Opportunity for a fourth year: writing or dissemination scholarship;
Advice from a mentor from various spheres of Canadian public life, starting the second year of the scholarship;
Development of leadership potential;
Support from an outstanding community of scholars, fellows and mentors, and opportunities for interaction with 350 leaders and personalities in every sector of the humanities and social sciences;
Involvement in lively exchange with other researchers or scholars and a keen interest in contributing to public dialogue;
Collaboration with Foundation mentors, fellows and scholars on interdisciplinary projects going beyond their own field of expertise;
Sharing of innovative ideas at events organized by or in conjunction with the Foundation.

Other highlights:

A total of 260 applications were considered in the 2017 competition.
Universities submit up to eight of their top files received.
Screening and interviews were conducted by external review committees.
A total of 15 scholarships were awarded in 2017.
The Foundation has selected and supported 217 scholars since its inception.
Since 2003, the Foundation has received 2,686 nominations.

Host Institution(s):

Participating Canadian Univeristies

Level/Fields of study:

PhD Research Programme related to Humanities and social sciences, specifically one or more of the following areas: Human Rights and Dignity, Responsible Citizenship, Canada in the World and People and their Natural Environment

Number of Awards:

Up to 15

Target group:

Canadian citizens or permanent residents and international students

Scholarship value/inclusions/duration:

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation scholarships provide $40,000 per year for three years, $20,000 per year for three years (as research and travel allowance) and an opportunity for a fourth year: writing or dissemination scholarship, among other benefits. Please see the official website for complete scholarship benefits.

    • Full-time first or second year students registered (or in the process of registering) in a doctoral program in the humanities and social sciences; and
    • Canadian citizens or permanent residents registered full-time in a doctoral program in Canada, or Canadian citizens registered full-time in a doctoral program outside of Canada.
    • Up to one scholar in four per given year may be a foreign national registered full-time in a doctoral program at a Canadian institution. This applies in particular to students from emerging nations.

Application instructions:

Candidates must be nominated by the Canadian or foreign institution where they wish to study or are currently studying.  Internal university deadline varies but is around Fall of 2017.  The Foundation deadline for receiving files from universities is before 8 December 2017.

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) to access the application form and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


Official Scholarship Website:

Deadline: before 8 Dec 2017 (annual) Study in:  Canada Course starts May/Sept 2018

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