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There is no society without a tradition. In fact, a society is best known because of her tradition. Some traditions are as old as the society that owns them. Efik traditions like any other tradition, are the life-wire of the Efik people. One cannot do without these traditions. The Efik tradition is one of the robust traditions in Nigeria, as it has effect on the nation and can be felt worldwide.
The Efik people in Bakassi, Cross River State, not only inherit these traditions from their parents, but also are proud of these traditions, and they continue to hand them down to their children. If one does a thing and is asked why, it is common to hear him say, ‘it is our tradition; that is how it is done here.’ Others, who are not from this part of the country, are often seen as trespassers, as they do not know the people’s traditions, let alone imbibe them. To be accepted by the people as ‘son of the soil’, you must lead by their traditions.
Traditionalists hold tenaciously to the traditions or their fathers. No wonder Paul said, ‘…so extremely zealous was I for the traditions of my Fathers’ (Gal. 1:14. ESV). These men have also transferred these traditions into the Lord’s Church in Bakassi, and it has so influenced the Church; as most of these traditionalists are leaders in the Church.
A typical Efik man will risk his life for his tradition. This is because he does not want to provoke or disobey his ancestors. His life is tied to these traditions. He frowns at anyone who tempers with them. A father will hurl a son, ‘you fool! Why acting as if you are not from here? Atotoadi? (are you a stranger?) Udionghoke idem?’ (are you insane?) In every bit of his life, he makes reference to his tradition: the way he dresses, eats, walks, sings, communicates, etc.
Coming to the Church such a Christian finds it very difficult to let go his long-aged tradition and submit to the principles of the Bible. Some even declared, ‘although I go to Church, I cannot deny my traditions. The Church came to meet my traditions and will also leave while my tradition remains’.
In the Church, they try to place their tradition above the scripture. One can easily fall from faith if the scripture contradicts his tradition.
This research will focus specifically on the influence of tradition on the Lord’s Church. Although many of the Lord’s Churches have travail these traditions, still, some are swayed by them.
Every tradition is to be held with high esteem when it does not contradict the scripture. A tradition is a value that needs to be strongly upheld and projected when it promotes decency, chastity, strong moral behavior; breeds unity and community prosperity in line with the scripture. But any tradition that fights and disagrees with the principles of Christianity should not be given a place in the Church.
In summary, this research highlighted on areas of Efik traditions that must be considered, and concluded whether to hold on to such traditions or let go of them – as they are ruining the Church.

It is common to hear people say, ‘it is our tradition; it must be done this way; that is what I was taught by my ancestors; do not cross the ancient land mark’ etc. but when a tradition contradicts the principles of the Bible, such tradition is to be ousted from the Church.
As it was in the days of old, so is it today that men no longer consider God’s word, they rather prefer their traditions to the Lord’s commands.
Traditions have caused a lot of commotions in the Lord’s Church in Bakassi. Anyone who dares to draw a line between these traditions and the scriptures is seen as a trespasser by the traditionalists in the Church.
Tradition on its own has no problem with the scripture and the Bible is not against any tradition but most of the Efik traditions are demonic, as they embody rituals and fetish practices.
This makes weak Christians in Bakassi see themselves in a dilemma of obeying the tradition or the scriptures. Because of this, so many believers have fallen away. Many preachers, in attempt to kick against these traditions, have lost their lives.
Therefore topical problems that are embedded in the study are such that investigated:
1. The Efik traditions among Christians in Bakassi.
2. The influence of Efik traditions on Christians in Bakassi.
3. The Efik traditions which are in contrast with the scriptures.
4. The relationship between Efik traditions and the principles of Christianity.

The following formed the objectives of the study:
1. To examine the Efik traditions among Christians in Bakassi.
2. To investigate the influence of Efik traditions on Christians in Bakassi.
3. To evaluate the Efik traditions in contrast with the scriptures.
4. To examine the relationship between Efik tradition and the Lord’s Church.

To get complete project call: 07087135843

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