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In the present world knowledge dominates the society in all spheres of activity as well as in everyday lives. The advancement brought by technologies has been defined as the requisites to globalization. Libraries and information centers are embracing this development to stimulate the change in information can communication management in the library.

Computer, internet, information and communication technology (ICT) and other communication devices are now used to provide direct access and retrieval of information to users. This paper discusses the effects of globalization on the library.

The term globalization is derived referred to the emergence of international network of economic systems. In other words, globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspect of culture. Advances in transportation and in telecommunications infrastructure (including the rise of the telegraph and its modern offspring, the internet, and mobile phones) have been major factors in globalization, generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities. 

However, globalization is a multifaceted term which cut across development in all aspect of life.

Traditionally, library’s operations were manually carried out in almost all libraries of the world. These operations includes the acquisition of library materials, accessioning cataloguing and classification and shelving, others are information retrieved, circulation, registration and library co-operation and disseminating humanitarian information were so cumbersome to librarians to accomplished using these traditional settings.
During this manual processes, a huge of man power was wasted, time consuming, lower job delivery prone to errors, which discourages applicants from the study of librarianship.
Today, the advent of technologies is shaping the face of libraries and its operation to accommodate and walk in the pace of modern development.

From 1960 till date, the world has experienced a rapid development and technological advancement. The invention of various forms of technology is the prerequisites of globalization. The advent of information and communication Technology (ICT) is seen to bring unprecedented change in the world of communication ranging from email, to cellular telephony to teleconferencing which allows people from different geographical locations to share knowledge without having to be in the same place. These proliferations of technologies are the principal tool that draws the entire world into a platform simple as “global village”.
Ajayi (2000), noted that revolution taking place in information and communication technology have been the central and driving force for the globalization process. The “global village” has removed the geographical barriers for the flow of information and communication and data processing which allow global links to become denser, faster, more reliable, and much cheaper.    
ICT has brought unprecedented changes and transformation libraries and information services such as user services, current awareness service, document delivery, audio-visualservice and customer relations can be provided more effectively using ICT.

There is no doubt that technology has had a lasting impact on the world today. With help of innovation, re-imagination and vision, libraries are embracing new technologies while creating dynamic community centers filled with life. They are no longer a house of dusty books and card files; they are centers of creativity, research and collaboration.

However, sometimes ago, some people believed that just as bookstores and libraries were becoming irrelevant, that all libraries would too. But today libraries are now hubs of technology with large percentage offering wireless internet services, and many of state-of-the-art computer for use. Globalization has modified the shape, concept, and operations of libraries to something new according to Ogunsola (2004) referred to as “digital library” electronic library (e-library), “library without walls etc.

Proliferation of technologies and expansion has gone far undertaking all the operations of the library over the years. Computers are now used in all units and departments of the library. It is usage comprises of acquisition, organization storage and retrieval of information. The basic component used in this case is information Technology (IT). The combination of computer and telecommunication devices improves and enhance efficient services in the library trough which Audio-visual and multimedia form of information can be accessed and retrieved. With this electronics infrastructure and other facilities such as internet, network and other communication, technologies library resources has already changes its form from paper (hardcopy) to electronic (soft copy). In this case digitalization of library resources is hyper-necessary to meet the global trend.


Globalization gives way for library automation. An automated libraries uses computer to perform typical procedures of cataloguing and circulation to save time and human power. An automated library often use integrated library system (ILS) to fast-tract operations. ILS comprise of a related database, and software to interact with that database, and town graphical user interfaces - one for patron, one for library staff. Through library automation, users can access online database held by group of libraries using online public access catalog (OPAC). As these technologies gets more sophisticated patrons expected and seen accessing the entire library at their disposal and any where they are.

Computing technology, communication technology, and mass storage technology are some of the areas which globalization crate continuous development to reshape the way libraries access, retrieved, store, manipulate, and disseminate information to users. Academic libraries is not neglected in this regards, it is using modern information and communication technology (ICT) to automate their core functions, like library cooperation and sharing network management information systems, develop institutional repositories of digital local contents, and digital libraries as well as initiating ICT based capacity building programmes for library users.


Libraries have experience changes in recent years from analog to digital base on the advent of technologies. These various technologies has redefined the concept of library and its operation from the traditional to modern method and create modules and platform for patrons and library staff interaction for information sharing and dissemination.


Ajayi, G. O (2000). Challenge to Nigeria of Globalization and the information Age. Keynote Address at the Workshop on National information communication infrastructure.

Capron, H. I. (2000) Computers: Tools for an information Age

Journal of Academic and Special librarianship – ObafemiAwolowoUniversity  - Ile Ife, Nigeria.

Ogunsola, L. A. (2004). Nigerian University libraries and the challenges of Globalization: The way forward. Electronic Journal of Academic and Special librarianship vol. 5 (2-3).

Osundina, O. (2973), the relationship between information science librarianship.

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